Data Policy
Mirza & Nacey Research Ltd
Also trading as The Fees Bureau
Data Policy
Safe, secure, private
Data is at the heart of everything we do at The Fees Bureau, so our own reputation and livelihood depends on taking safety, security and privacy very seriously.
We rely on the data which is given by professionals responding to our surveys. We have a rigorous approach to ensure we safeguard this data.
How survey data is collected
We send out an email to potential respondents, with an invite to participate in a survey. This invitation includes a link, which has an identifier embedded in it. The data you complete in the survey includes this identifier. Contacts and data are kept in entirely separate files. Contact databases are destroyed as soon as practically possible after the end of the survey’s data collection period. All files are securely stored and password protected.
All responses to the survey are sent from the online survey website to our database as an email. The resulting data is held in a password protected environment on a PC. Back-up copies are made, which are held in password protected cloud accounts or password protected external drives.
How survey data is analysed and reported
We analyse the data provided by survey respondents and present the findings in tables, charts and reports. In all cases, data are aggregated so the resulting statistical tables will always be based on the results from a number of respondents. Tables include minimum cell sizes so it will not be possible to see, or infer, the results of just one individual respondent. In this way we protect the identity of all respondents so no single respondent is recognisable.
Who has access to your data
We can be very confident about who has access to your data, because The Fees Bureau has just two permanent staff, the two Directors who founded the business more than 30 years ago. If we ever take on any temporary or permanent staff, or employ sub-contractors, we ask them to sign an agreement promising to protect the confidentiality of all data at all times.
We do not pass any data onto third parties unless we are required to do so by law, or if an email address has been collected specifically on behalf of a client organisation, within a survey clearly branded with that organisation’s identity. The online survey will include a specific statement of consent, and the identity of the client will be clearly visible. When data is so collected, the email addresses are passed on to the client organisation as an excel file with no other information. The email addresses so collected are never used by Mirza & Nacey Research Ltd / The Fees Bureau. Individual survey responses are never passed on to clients.
These safeguards are in addition to the GDPR principles established in 2018. You can view our privacy policy here: www.feesbureau.co.uk/privacy
If you have any questions please contact us by emailing vince@mirza-nacey.com