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The Fees Bureau

The Fees Bureau was established to provide construction professionals and procurers with thoroughly researched, timely and relevant business operating data. The range of guides for professionals have become industry standard references for professionals and clients alike.


The Fees Bureau is a division of Mirza & Nacey Research Ltd.

Vince Nacey and Aziz Mirza met while working for the RIBA’s Market Research Unit in the 1980s. They recognised both the importance of, and the shortage of, really good data and market research for professionals in the building industry.


In 1989 they established Mirza & Nacey Research, which has been providing research and information for professionals in commercial firms, private practice, institutes and public bodies for more than 30 years.


The Fees Bureau is run by the two original co-founders:


Examples of recent research

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RIBA Practice Benchmarking
Vital data to encourage RIBA Chartered Practices to monitor key performance metrics of their businesses.

ACE Sector Study

25,000 architects across Europe provided data about themselves, their earnings and their practice. 

Recent work:

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RIBA Practice Benchmarking
Conducted annually.

More than 30 years' experience

Established in 1989, we've carried out research and surveys for professional institutes such as the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the South African Institute of Architects,

international bodies such as the Architects' Council of Europe and the Federation of Vets in Europe. We've worked for large companies such as Stannah Lifts and small ones, including many architectural practices.

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